Friday, 10 July 2009

Friday and Im off

Well folks I was off work today and dont go back til tuesday how good is that, my friend was going shopping for an outfit for a wedding TOMORROW nothing like leaving it til the last minute, I went with her we eventually found a dress she liked and suited, hope her hubby likes it.
I also got a top for a night out next week a 60th im going to. should be a good night.
This last two week have been hectic, and I see no let up next week either so if I am neglecting the blog there is a reason.
This weekend I have got a couple of orders to do first is a silver wedding book a friend wants for her to give as a gift. the second is another 100 sympathy cards for the local pet crematorium. so that is tomorrow taken care of and the rest of the week.
I havent joined anymore challenges but i will once life slows down a bit.


  1. Wow you are going to be busy but enjoy your time off!

  2. Yer S usie been thinking a lot about ya thought u had deserted me lol looked near every night see id=f there were summat new never mind enjoty realx and get back when ur ready its lynne's birthday today and I remembered
